We welcome proposals for projects and aim to make data and samples as widely available as possible whilst safeguarding the privacy of our participants, protecting confidential data and maintaining the reputations of our studies and participants.
Data requests
Data request form
Data from the EPIC-Norfolk study can be requested by completing the data request form.
Complete the form using data dictionary
The form requires you to list the variables you require. The online data dictionary gives information about the variables available and you can contact the study team for further advice. We ask that you only request the variables you are certain you need for your analysis; additional variables can be added to the data set after the initial release. Large data sets take longer to prepare and may delay the release of your data.
Additional data request form
If additional data is required following the approval of a request, this can be requested using the additional data request form (docx).
Sample requests
To request samples please complete the sample request form.
Submitting requests
Completed data or sample request forms should be emailed to the study team.
Approval process
All data or sample sharing is dependent on the project being approved by the EPIC-Norfolk Management Committee. The committee meet monthly; contact the study team to find out when the next meeting is scheduled.
Data access and costs
Information on how the data can be accessed and the associated costs can be found on the Data access & costs page.
Terms of data and sample sharing
We are committed to the principles of high quality research that generate reliable results about the causes of and treatment of disease. All data and sample sharing must meet the terms of existing participants’ consent and study ethical approvals. Our Data Access and Sharing Policy (pdf) defines the principles and processes for accessing and sharing our data.