The meeting was chaired by Nichola Dalzell and attended by thirteen Panel members, four researchers and Dr. Sally Atkinson who is working on a project with Dementia Platforms UK (DPUK)
Fifth Health Check (5HC) FU6 Questionnaire
The questions are currently being finalised and laid out for comment by the Management Committee. The questionnaire is to go out in the New Year.
Human Tissue Act (2004)
The Panel were thanked for returning comments on the proposals raised at the AGM in July 2015 regarding future research planning relevant to the Act.
5HC Planning
Panel members are to review the current Health Check documents to help develop documents and processes for the Fifth Health Check (5HC).
Dementias Platform UK Presentation
Dr Sally Atkinson described the work of Dementia Platforms UK, why it was developed, how it is structured and more specifically the role of the Ethical Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) arm of the study.
Sally explained a proposed study looking at how people experience research and to learn more about what people think about possible changes in research.
The Panel gave their observations and opinions on the proposed study.
Nutrition – Future Data Collection
Methods of data collection and their strengths were discussed and demonstrated.
Some Panel members provided feedback for an online tool they had been asked to test before the meeting. Other members used this at the meeting, where researchers were on hand to provide assistance/answer any questions.
The majority of the Panel thought that completing the online tool every season would be fine as they would be a reasonable time apart.
Future meetings
There was a request for a speaker to talk about brain/organ donation