There were eleven members of EPAP at the meeting in October and two from the EPIC team.
Members were updated on points discussed at the previous meeting.
Family Questionnaire
The Panel were thanked for their responses on the family questionnaire. The format will be reviewed at Christmas as there appears to have been some ambiguity with two particular questions.
Future Agendas
Agenda items that had been suggested/requested by the Panel are being considered for future meetings. The January meeting will have a presentation by Jacqueline Romero from the local Patient and Participant Involvement in Research (PPIRes) group.
Fourth Health Check (4HC) Approvals
The use of a GPS device and additional amendments to the questionnaire in the 4HC have been approved. The Panel were thanked for their assistance in putting together the information sheet.
Reviewing Questionnaire
The main discussion point for the entire meeting was to review suggestions for questions that could be included in the proposed questionnaire to be sent out to all remaining EPIC participants.
The questionnaire was in the form of a first draft and therefore the Panel was asked to study it carefully and suggest any improvements, additions or ambiguities that needed removing. The meeting split into groups to cover the various sections of the meeting.
The suggestions and feedback will be passed to the EPIC team for further collation and finalisation in draft form before being presented for final approval.
The members of the Panel felt that a huge amount of work had been applied to collating/compiling this initial draft and wished to congratulate those involved in its production.
One participant shared his experience of being randomly selected as one of only a very small number of EPIC participants chosen for a collaborative study looking at active living in older age.
Future Meetings
Future meetings will be held in January, April and July 2015 (AGM).