The aims of the second health check (2HC) were to obtain repeat measurements and to study bone health and body composition, specifically muscle mass.
This health check aimed to improve understanding of factors associated with osteoporosis and fractures, as well as frailty and quality of life in an ageing population.
Three years after the 1HC, all available participants were invited again for a second health check (2HC). A total of 22,399 participants were approached, 15,786 of whom attended the health check.
Participants completed a second follow-up health and lifestyle questionnaire (HLQ), a twenty-four hour dietary recall (24hDR) questionnaire, a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and a 7-day diet diary (7dDD).
In addition, 15,672 participants also completed a questionnaire on their physical activity (PAQ).
Health Check Appointment
At the health check appointment repeat measures from the 1HC were carried out, with additional measures to study bone health and body composition:
- heel ultrasound measurements of each foot
- estimated percentage body fat
The participants also gave blood and urine samples again.